

Usually when you are planning your trip, whether for business or vacation, think of the means of transport faster or more enjoyable to reach the goal. Plane, train, ship each medium has its own character and features, but all have the same problem: you have to use to be able to get to the airport, port or train station, and once you get to your destination you find yourself alone with your luggage and the task of finding another means of transportation to get to the hotel, office or residence to which you are directed.

Kami Driver lifts you from this unpleasant task, whether you are departing or arriving you will always have a driver at your disposal that will bring you and your luggage where you want, in the shortest possible time and with no queues at the taxi rank or public transport stop.

When planning your trip remember to book in with your private driver who will accompany you in maximum comfort and with great celerity tracts to and from the airports, ports or stations always ensuring punctuality, courtesy and service of high quality.

Kami Driver performs its services throughout the national territory provided they have as a starting point or as a final destination anywhere in Tuscany.